09 September, 2014

More plants . . . Thoughts from the heart of the house . . .

When I was small, I was always terrified whenever I saw a bee or heard one buzzing near me.  I was convinced that their only purpose in life was to sting me.  Now, of course, I know better.  I just love to see the bees buzzing around the plants as I'm working in the garden or just looking around as I was late this afternoon.  I never manage to capture them in the photos somehow but if you look carefully, you can just make out a bee disappearing inside this fuchsia flower . . . 

 Dazzling dahlias!  I've only really begun to appreciate dahlias over the last few years.  I only ever thought about the tall varieties and whilst they are undoubtedly very attractive, I knew I'd never find the time to stake them and look after them properly.  As a result I don't think I ever had any dahlias in the garden before about five years ago.  What a waste!  I just love these smaller bedding dahlias and they are such good value. They've been flowering  for ages and will  go on doing so right up to the first frosts.

Roses again, I've recently become re-acquainted with.  I always thought they were rather over-rated. How wrong can one be?  Another great value flower for the garden. There are so many different types, there's always a style, a habit and colour that is just right for your situation.

I've realised now - its' only taken about twenty years or so - that it's a good idea to plant up a flower-bed close to the house and visible from a  window in a room you are often in. This means that even if it's cold and wet and you don't feel like wandering in the garden, let alone working in the garden, you  always have something interesting and hopefully, beautiful to look at.

Our garden is quite small but we have a good view of my favourite plants from our kitchen window which is probably where I spend most of my time. Also the view from the spot where I do the ironing is another favourite!

09 July, 2014

It's no good, I just can't resist photos of plants doing their thing . . . !

I have more or less given up blogging but it's the best way, I find, to keep a record of things that I might want to remind myself about at some time in the future.

I don't mind if I'm the only person who sees this post. I started blogging in the first place for my own satisfaction.

Now, I just love taking photos of our little garden.  It's far from perfect, very small and needs a lot more time spent on it than I have to spare.  Nevertheless, despite the neglect, you just can't keep a good plant down.  Mother nature is determined to do her best, sometimes, I think, even despite my poor efforts!

I regularly take photos of the garden. It's a good way to keep track of how various plants are doing; which do well; which need help and also it's interesting to compare the progress of the garden from season to season and year to year.

Today's shots were taken because I needed to test a new memory card which my OH said was giving him problems.  It certainly recorded these photos well enough.

I haven't bought any new roses for many years but have given way to temptation this year and bought three.  Here is a climber I bought which I hope to train to cover the trellis you can just see. Called 'Compassion'.  Looks promising . . . 

Having only a small garden, there is always space for smaller varieties of plants.  Here's one of our patio roses.  We've had this for a few years.  It may be small but it's beautifully formed!

 Another of our patio roses in a lovely delicate, pale pink. 

I have several clematis. Like many people, we lost several fence panels in the winter storms.  This Jackmanii clematis always does well but I think it's doing even better this year after having been cut right down to soil level when the fence came down.

A nice little splash of colour by the shed . . .

Finally, I never tire of this lavender and fuchsia combination.

Lots more on my Flickr page if you're real gluttons for punishment!

Happy gardening!