13 May, 2013

Garden update . . .

Sorry folks, I'm afraid it's time for an update on the garden again . . . 

It was such a lovely sunny morning this morning as I was munching my muesli and gazing out of the window before setting off for work, that I felt compelled (!!) to grab my camera and take a few snaps before I left home.

Yes, it's definitely looking Spring-like out there.

The view from the sitting room window.
You can't see the weeds from a distance! (She says hopefully)

The tulips are beautiful colours.

 A touch of blue from an azalea.

And this hosta is coming along nicely.  Last week the leaves were still tightly curled.

The early dwarf daffs have been succeeded by some lovely yellow polyanthus.
You can't beat yellow flowers in Spring!

Several pots of polyanthus around the place to add a splash of colour - oops, someone needs to do a bit of dead-heading . . .

'All in a row' I hadn't realised until I saw this photo that I had a row of pots all lined up like this.

Weeds, be warned, I'm coming to get you!  This is the next part of our little garden to be 'dealt with'. Close-up it's a mass of weeds.

These tulips really are quite splendid.

I had a few pansies left from my pots in the front garden, so I thought I'd pop them in these pots to keep them happy until the summer bedding goes in.

Well, I must say, you've been very patient, listening to me ramble on.  You may be excused now.  Flower-watch is over for a little while.


  1. Really lovely! You have dne so much work to get results like this.

    It shows that it was a beautiful morning.
    Richard and i are visiting Ru in Dubai from the 16th to the 22nd. Will go hug a camel:-)

  2. Not nearly enough work done but one can be selective with a camera! :-)
    Have fun in Dubai and give Ru a hug from me.
